Friday, 20 August 2010
Letters to Jackie
Now Playing: the washer and dryer
Topic: Home
My baby, Jackie is off on a grand adventure. She will be teaching in Jakarta, Indonesia for the next ten months at their Police Academy. Although I've ignored this blog for months, I thought it would be a great way for our family to update her on our daily activities.
So far today, Jack... I've cleaned house (aren't you surprised and amazed) ?
Now I'm cleaning up electronics. I have more pairs of earphones than I can believe. I shall pass them on to the girls. I'm charging my HD radio so I can head out to mow the grass. I want to be all ready for Noah's birthday party. I'm picking him up an MP3 player from grandpa, the girls and I and will get him some sort of crazy toy from Aunt Jackie. I think Jamie needs for Noah to get a big huge supersoaker! Hard to believe our little guy is 7 today.
Blackjack is still doing great. He was off and running this morning. A little stiff legged but running! The girls are all having friends over for the day and to spend the night. One last sleep over before school starts. "It's almost time for school to start, do dah, do dah..."
I love you Susie Sunshine!
Here's a note from Sierra,
hay girl what up theres not much going on here. i been in the creek like 24/7 so i hop you got there ok.and i miss you and when you get back i am going to give you a big huge. so i wish you could see what i am doing in creek. i made a little water fall.and and and katie a jerk i dont like her. her new name is butt face.sorry about that but she a butt i hope you make some new friends. and good luck??????
Here's Katie,
hey jacalyn!!!! i miss you soooo much girlay.... i hope you make it there ok!!! we have all been swimming like crazyy cuz its soo hot here!! haha i wonder what it would be like to go outside the united states into a differeent continent? with a differeent language might actually be funnn!:p im hoping that mom wont tease us with the school to start song!!! three days and here comes the big ugly!!! buss....:( anyways ill tell mr.carson where you are and what your doing im sure he willl be proud of you jack!!! anyways dont want to saty on here 4 ever so il ove you so much &miss you alwayzzz!!:0 have fun & be safe and ill c u in june or july? LOVE ALWAYZZ &4EVER!! Katie-kittens:p [your old nicname 4 me:)] ilove you jacalyn joy gisshy.peace out!
Posted by knitamaniac
at 1:42 PM EDT

Monday, 28 September 2009
New Boy coming to the farm
Topic: Family
We are getting a new alpaca. His name is Antonio and he's just beautiful. A lovely fawn and a beautiful fleece!

Posted by knitamaniac
at 9:03 AM EDT
Tuesday, 11 August 2009
Shawl Number Two, Bell Pattern
Now Playing: The Stitch It Podcast
Topic: Knitting
Posted by knitamaniac
at 6:01 AM EDT
Monday, 27 July 2009
Such a long time!
Now Playing: the ceiling fan
Topic: Knitting
It's been forever since I've update my blog. Summer is just flying by and it seems like I haven't done even half the things I planned to do. The girls are already planning school clothes and supplies and we haven't even gone on vacation yet!
I've been having fun completing some long overdue projects. Just finished a Luna Moth shawl which will be a shower gift for my future daughter in law Bekah. I think it will look lovely with her strapless gown.

Posted by knitamaniac
at 2:47 PM EDT
Sunday, 26 April 2009
prom and Shearing
Now Playing: the washer is spinning, does that count?
Topic: Family
We had shearing and the prom last night. Hard to believe a year has flown by so quickly.

Posted by knitamaniac
at 9:05 AM EDT
Sunday, 29 March 2009
Now Playing: The High Fiber Diet Podcast

Why does a two year old look this great first thing in the morning?

Why does a three year old wear a plastic container on her foot for an entire morning?
Can you tell these two are cousins? Man they look alike!
Posted by knitamaniac
at 8:57 AM EDT
Sunday, 22 March 2009
Super Swap
Now Playing: Peace and Quiet !
Topic: Knitting

Received a fantastic Swap package from my partner in the Say Goodbye to Winter Swap at the High Fiber Diet Group. Isn't it all just perfect?
Posted by knitamaniac
at 9:38 PM EDT
Wednesday, 3 December 2008
New Kitchen
Topic: Family

Haven't posted for quite awhile. We've been busy installing a new oak kitchen. Still have all the floors, trim and window seal to do. I love it.
Posted by knitamaniac
at 8:34 AM EST
Wednesday, 29 October 2008
Bored Three Year Old
not sure
Topic: Babies

One bored three year old and two empty laundry baskets...
This was after we had a lovely morning outside catching snowflakes on our tongues. Onya says they taste like icing! She also loved making tracks in the snow on the trampoline.
Posted by knitamaniac
at 2:24 PM EDT
Tuesday, 21 October 2008
Frost Warning
Now Playing: Wayne's whistling
Topic: Alpacas

We had a pretty heavy frost over the weekend. Do ya think these guys are pretty well insulated?
Posted by knitamaniac
at 3:17 PM EDT
Saturday, 4 October 2008
New Kids at our House
Topic: Knitting

Our new alpacas arrived last night. On the left is Romeo who is a darling Suri baby and on the left is his buddy Puffy. Aren't they just the cutest?
It's Fall here at the Bable's. I decorated Beth's Senior sign out at the end of the driveway. We got a lot of pumpkins and gourds this year.

Posted by knitamaniac
at 2:17 PM EDT
Saturday, 27 September 2008
Stayin' Alive
Now Playing: Sesame Street Theme song...
Topic: Knitting

Still alive in Hat Attack 2 and I'm amazed. Broken arm and all I'm keeping up. Just sent out my second hat in today's mail. It was completed to picture below when it arrived yesterday.
Posted by knitamaniac
at 3:47 PM EDT
Friday, 19 September 2008
Hat Attack
Now Playing: The generator
Topic: Knitting

Even though we've been without power (thanks Ike) I got my hat done for Hat attack.
Posted by knitamaniac
at 3:38 PM EDT
Friday, 8 August 2008
How not to spend the summer
accident prone
Topic: Family

manage to break my left wrist... it's going to be a really nice lazy summer!
Posted by knitamaniac
at 11:11 AM EDT
Wednesday, 16 July 2008
Topic: Knitting

I have become a spinamaniac! Katie's modeling an alpaca hat made from fiber graciously (yeah right) donated by her alpaca Colosus. I love spinning and it has become quite the thing for me to do in order to get some "me" time.
Posted by knitamaniac
at 11:03 AM EDT
Monday, 14 July 2008
Stitch and Pitch, Pittsburgh
Now Playing: Handy Manny...
Topic: Knitting

Cathi, her hubby Mel, Wayne and I attended Stitch and Pitch at the Pittsburgh Pirates game. The Pirates lost but we had a super time. Got a lovely sunburn, the rain held off and much knitting done. Met some lovely knitters and some gals doing crochet, had lovely chats and even got to eat supper out! Many thanks to my wonderful daughter Jackie for taking charge at home!
Posted by knitamaniac
at 9:14 AM EDT
Thursday, 10 July 2008
Now Playing: Peace and Quiet !
Topic: Babies
I've been so terrible at keeping up with my blog this summer. We recently adopted our ten year old Sierra and got a new foster placement. D is a cute little nine year old who keeps me quite busy. She's decided she is staying with us so I think adoption number five will take place sometime next summer...
Mike, Karrie and Kat came up to visit for the 4th. Kat had a great time eating Oreos on Thursday night with the girls. She's growing up so darned fast.

Posted by knitamaniac
at 6:11 PM EDT
Tuesday, 20 May 2008
Babette Blanket
Topic: Knitting

Decided I needed to get some of my acrylic stash used up. I am hoping to make each of our adult children a Babette Blanket for Christmas. This one is for Ben and Crystal.
Posted by knitamaniac
at 10:18 AM EDT
Thursday, 15 May 2008
Knitting Sheep
Topic: Knitting
Western Reserve Knitting Guild will be knitting Sheep next month. Here's one of my samples. Isn't she the cutest knitter ever?

Posted by knitamaniac
at 10:16 AM EDT
Topic: Babies
Got to spend three days with my favorite 19 month old, tiny, little Miss. Don't you love the glasses?

Posted by knitamaniac
at 10:11 AM EDT
Updated: Thursday, 15 May 2008 10:12 AM EDT
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